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CS100-QD Barometer for RAWS Enclosures
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The CS100-QD barometer, manufactured by Setra, measures for a standard barometric pressure range of 600 to 1100 hPa (mBar), which is approximately sea level to 12,000 feet. It is mounted inside a RAWS-F or RAWS-P enclosure and wired to the CR1000 wiring panel.

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Descrição Técnica

The CS100-QD is a Campbell Scientific version of Setra's model 278 barometer. It uses Setra’s Setraceram capacitive sensor and IC analog circuit to measure barometric pressure.

The CS100-QD is encased in a stainless steel and polyester case fitted with an 1/8 in. barbed fitting for pressure connection. It includes an internal switching circuit that allows the data logger to power the barometer only during measurement, which reduces power consumption.


The CS100-QD barometer is mounted inside of a RAWS-F or RAWS-P enclosure and wired to the CR1000 wiring panel.


Pressure Range 600 to 1100 hPa (mBar)
Accuracy at 20°C ±0.5 mb
Accuracy at 0° to 40°C ±1.0 mb
Accuracy at -20° to +50°C ±1.5 mb
Accuracy at -40° to +60°C ±2.0 mb
Linearity ±0.4 mb
Hysteresis ±0.05 mb
Repeatability ±0.03 mb
Resolution ±0.01 mb
Long-Term Stability ±0.1 mb per year
Response Time < 100 ms
Excitation 9.5 to 28 Vdc
Current Consumption
  • < 3 mA (active)
  • < 1 µΑ (sleep mode)
Warm-up Time < 1 s
Operating Temperature -40° to +60°C
Cable Diameter 0.8 cm (0.3 in.)
Cable Length 0.8 m (2.5 ft)
Dimensions 9.1 x 6.1 x 2.5 cm (3.6 x 2.4 x 1.0 in.)
Weight 135 g (4.8 oz)