All FAQs (1967 total: showing 721-740)
- Can a PS100 be charged from a 12 V, 100 Ah battery?
- If a spare PS100 or PS200 is sitting on a shelf, should it be periodically charged?
- Where are the wire leads that plug into a PS100 from a deep-cycle marine battery?
- What size battery is supported for the external battery connection on the PS100? What is the maximum charging rate on the external battery?
- How can it be determined if a PS100 battery is fully charged?
- Can a wall outlet be used to charge the PS100 all the time?
- Can the 0871LH1 be used for either ground-based meteorological applications or in the air (for example, to keep ice off wind turbine blades or the wings of a plane)?
- What happens if the 0871LH1 is covered in ice?
- Using the heater, how long does it take for the 0871LH1 to defrost itself and resume its detection of icing conditions?
- Is it possible to upgrade from PC200W to the current version of LoggerNet?
- After purchasing a LoggerNet upgrade license, can the license key be entered into the current installation, or does LoggerNet need to be reinstalled from the CD?
- After upgrading to the newest LoggerNet version, will the new software run old programs?
- When an upgrade from one version of LoggerNet to another is purchased, can both versions be used at the same time by the same user?
- If the LoggerNet upgrade is purchased for the current version license, how does the upgrade work? What is the process for upgrading?
- What is the difference between a patch and an upgrade?
- How can the TCP/IP stack in a CR1000 or CR3000 be used?
- Can the NL120 be repaired? Or does a non-functioning interface need to be replaced?
- What might cause connection issues between a CR1000 or CR3000 and an NL120, resulting in lost data?
- If several CR1000 or CR3000 dataloggers only have a serial interface that is used as the data highway to a SCADA network, can an NL120 be added without interfering with the current serial port data communications system?
- To communicate with a CR1000 or CR3000 by TCP/IP using an NL120 or NL240, is it necessary for the data logger to have a fixed IP address?