All FAQs (1967 total: showing 941-960)
- Does the use of a CWS900-series interface require direct line-of-sight?
- Does PC200W allow adding two different sensors to a multiplexer? If so, how?
- How can control ports be configured so that they can be toggled using the port dialog in PC200W?
- Is there a software upgrade for the PC200W program?
- Does PC200W come with device configuration software, or is LoggerNet needed?
- What is the difference between PC208W and PC200W?
- Can LoggerNet and PC200W run at the same time on the same computer?
- What do “serial port open failed” and “permission denied” error messages mean?
- Does the “delete datalogger” function on the PC200W delete stored data on a data logger, a program, or both?
- How can it be determined in PC200W which units of measurement are being used for a particular parameter?
- Can PC200W be used to clear data from a data logger that does not have a keyboard?
- Using PC200W, how can old files be deleted from the data logger CPU?
- Using PC200W, can real-time plots be generated as the data are acquired?
- On the interface of the PC200W software, it seems as if the Monitor Data tab displays the real-time data. Which table is used from the data logger for this?
- Are there instructions as to how to download, view, and print daily weather records using PC200W?
- Can a CSI file be edited using PC200W?
- Can a USB-to-RS-232 converter be used so that a laptop running PC200W without an RS-232 port can talk directly to a data logger?
- Does PC200W work on a Macintosh computer?
- Can PC200W operate on a 64-bit system?
- When replacing a retired HMP45C-L with an HMP60-L, can the same radiation shield be used?