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Averaging values every 15 minutes- Issue with data collection

adhillman Aug 12, 2020 02:37 AM

I need to record a measurement every 15 minutes, but this measurement must be the avearage of 4-5 values taken around that time, a few seconds apart. I have tried to use TimeintoInterval() commands along with a table that has a data interval, but I do not get any values being recorded. Another issue is that I am using SDI-12 as well as SEVoltage measurements, and I am worried about the 9 SDI-12 sensors slowing down my scans. 

Here is a link to the sample code:


I have not yet added my 9 SDI-12 sensors to the code, but they would ideally be collected right with the SEVolt sensors as well.

Any help would be appreciated, it does not seem that this code outputs any data at all, and I cannot seem to figure out why. At one point, I created a second table that got called every time data was collected to take a sample, and that fucntioned normally, so I know the intervals are being calculated normally.

Danaw Aug 14, 2020 08:39 PM

I'm not exactly clear on what you want to do, but I'll offer a couple of suggestions that might help.

Look at making the voltage measurements every scan interval and then taking a spatial average (AvgSpa function), and storing the spatial average to the table. 

Also look at the DataEvent output instruction, using time as a trigger for the event, storing 5 records before the event. 

Also note that the program you linked to does not have a CallTable instruction in the scan, so you will, indeed, never get any data stored to the table. 

Best, Dana

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