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LoggerNet network backup size

artyb Mar 3, 2021 01:43 PM


I backup our LoggerNet networknetwork every few months, and have noticed that the size of the backup has increased from ~200,000kB to 1,000,000kB over 8 years, but then jumped to 5,000,000kB in the space of a few months. I'm concerned that something may have got corrupted for example. Is there any way to see what is or isn't in the backup, and what space each part is taking up? Has the space usage increased with LoggerNet updates for example? We'll need to move the LoggerNet installation to a new PC fairly soon.


GaryTRoberts Mar 6, 2021 03:42 PM

We found an issue with the cache file sized in LoggerNet that has been there for quite some time. It will be resolved in the next release of Loggernet (which should be released in the next 30 days).

artyb Mar 8, 2021 01:42 PM

Interesting, I'll see what difference that makes then.

Thank you.

jtrauntvein Mar 8, 2021 02:44 PM

The issue raised by Gary will only affect the sizing of tables when they are created.  One thing that can be done right now is to disable the option for including cache table files in the backup.  By doing so, you will significantly shrink the size of the backup file but, if that file is used to restore the network, all of the cache tables will be re-created without data.

artyb Mar 8, 2021 02:57 PM

OK. Can you tell me where the cache files are stored? Then I can see how much space they are taking up. That might not be the issue at all.

Danaw Mar 9, 2021 06:06 PM

The data cache files are stored in: C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\sys\bin\data

There is a numerical folder for each datalogger. The .table files in those folders will mimic the table structure in the datalogger. 

Best, Dana

artyb Mar 10, 2021 12:11 PM

The size of that folder (including subfolders) would account for most of the 5GB network backup I'm seeing, if the backup files are uncompressed?

Would you recommend restoring from a backup which excludes these cache files when we move the LoggerNet install to a new server?

Thank you.

Danaw Mar 10, 2021 11:58 PM

Hello Artyb,

If you use the LoggerNet backup utility (accessed from the Setup screen) there is an option to include/not include the data cache. Whether you back up the cache really depends upon how you are using LoggerNet. You might want to back up the cache if you need to be able to access historical data that is no longer available in the datalogger because memory has begun to ring around, and because you do not have the data files. Or, if you are using RTMC to display data and you want to display data that has been overwritten by datalogger ring memory.

I think in most instances, people do not need the cache because the data is in the data file and/or because they do not have a need to display older historical data. It is more important to make sure you are backing up your DAT files, datalogger programs, and any other user-created files that you would like to ensure you won't lose. Make sure to store your back-up files to somewhere other than the computer on which LoggerNet is running, just in case that computer crashes. 

Below I've copied some info from the LoggerNet help file, which may add to what I've written above. 

Best, Dana


LoggerNet Data Cache

The LoggerNet server's data cache is a set of binary files kept on the hard disk of the computer running the LoggerNet server. A binary file is created for each table in each datalogger. These files are set up to mimic the storage areas in datalogger memory, and by default are two times the size of the storage area (final storage area(s) for mixed array dataloggers or table size for table data dataloggers).

When the LoggerNet server collects data from a datalogger, the data is stored in the binary file for that datalogger. The client applications to LoggerNet (e.g., Connect Screen, RTMC, Data Filer) retrieve their information from the data cache instead of the datalogger directly. This allows the simultaneous sharing of data among LoggerNet clients.

Similar to datalogger final storage areas or tables, the binary file for a datalogger is set up as ring memory. This means that as the file reaches its maximum size, the newest data will begin overwriting the oldest data.

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