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know the free memory of my logger

Miguel_____ Feb 20, 2023 12:03 PM


I'm working with my CR350 and I want to record the percentage of free memory on it. While reading the documentation I found the chapter "CR350 Status Table". Here we find the typical `Battery()` and `PanelTemp()` functions. And if we continue reading, others like `DataStorageFree` and `DataStorageSize`. My question is, how can I save these?

I'm doing the following and all fails,

' Declare variables
Public PTemp, Batt, MemFree, MemSize, DataStorFree, DataStorSize,
' Obtain the value
PanelTemp (PTemp, 60)
Battery (Batt)
' An example of one of the desired variables

Another try was:

' Declare variables
Public PTemp, Batt, MemFree, MemSize, DataStorFree, DataStorSize,
' Obtain the value
PanelTemp (PTemp, 60)
Battery (Batt)
' An example of one of the desired variables
DataStorFree = Status.DataStorageFree()

 In this case, doesn't crash but the value in the Public table never change.

PD: I know I can see this information in the Status table, but I also want to see it in the Public table too and store it in some tables.

Thank you very much.

Dana Feb 21, 2023 07:47 PM

Your second example should work, but the syntax has to be within the Scan/NextScan for the value to be updated. It will update at the rate of the program scan.

Best, Dana

yaniebogisish May 7, 2024 08:22 AM

The syntax needs to be within the Scan/NextScan for the value to be updated, but your second example should still work. It will refresh in sync with the program's scan frequency. geometry dash

nelsonpaul23 Jul 24, 2024 06:43 PM

This post is under review.

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