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LNDB problem with quotes in table name and field names.

tomasafonso Jan 4, 2024 03:10 PM

Good afternoon.

My company has recently acquired LNDB. I have easily managed to connect to Loggernet and create the tables of my stations in the database (Postgres).

My problem is that I usually use two datagrid libs in PHP to display, filter, export,.... data from my databases. Trying to use them with the tables that LNDB has generated for me, I run into the problem of the quotes around the field names.

My sql queries for LNDB tables are like:

'SELECT "TmStamp", "RecNum", "Temp_Avg", "HumRel_Avg", pressure_Avg" FROM public."Station_Meteo10M"';

Using quotes makes my PHP datagrid libraries not work well. Although I put the quotes when creating the query, the php libraries do not work when filtering the data. I have cloned one of the LNDB tables. The new table has the same structure but without " " in the name of the fields and the table. For this table my php libraries work correctly.

Is there a way to prevent LNDB from using quotes to surround field names? I don't care that the names are all in lowercase.


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EmmaAlva Mar 25, 2024 03:06 AM

By providing aliases without quotes, you can retrieve the data without the quotes in the field names like tiny fishing unblocked. This should allow your PHP datagrid libraries to work properly.

Rebecafrank Dec 3, 2024 05:46 AM

This post is under review.

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