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METDATA1 Weather Station
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No

Visão Geral

In May 2007, Campbell Scientific stopped taking orders for the MetData1; the MetData1 contained the CR10XM module, which is no longer available.

Designed for standard meteorological applications, the MetData1 combined flexibility with ease of use. The customer had the flexibility to choose the appropriate sensors for their application from many meteorological sensors. Installation was easy because the selected sensors were simply attached to pre-wired connectors on the outside of the MetData1 enclosure.

The MetData1 offers the flexibility of a custom system with the ease-of-use of a preconfigured system. The MetData1 provides seven connectors dedicated to sensors. Simply choose the sensor that you need for your application from the list that is available for each connector. Using our VisualWeather software you can specify which sensor you have for each connector. The MetData1 also offers multiple data retrieval options, tower/tripod options, and power supply options.

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Descrição Técnica

The MetData1 uses an "-LC" version of our sensors, which feature specialized connectors for interfacing to the measurement and control electronics. With the exception of these connectors, the specifications for the sensors are identical to the versions found in our the sensors section of the web site. For all -LC sensors, the lead length is entered in feet after the LC. Sensor mounts for our tripods and 3 meter tower are listed in the individual sensor sections. If you prefer to have a pre-configured selection of sensors attached to a crossarm, please select the 10718 Crossarm.

  • Automated weather station designed for standard meteorological applications; can be customized with available sensors
  • Sensor connectors mate to connectors on outside of the enclosure; additional sensor wiring is not required
  • Configured using VisualWeather Software
  • Crossarm assembly with sensor cables routed internal to the crossarm also available
  • Tripod or tower options include our CM6 6-foot tripod, CM10 10-foot tripod, or UT10 10 foot tower
  • Data telemetry options include telephone, short haul modems, MD9, and voice-synthesized modems

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