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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 articles authored by: Dana Worley

What You Should Know: Improvements to SMSSend()

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 04/09/2021 | Comentários: 0

what you should know: improvements to smssend()

Do you currently use SMSSend() in a CRBasic data logger program to send SMS messages through a Campbell Scientific CELL2XX internal or external cellular module? There are some things you should know about the recent improvements we made that affect how SMSSend() works. With the release... Leia mais

New Ethernet over USB Functionality for Data Loggers

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 08/30/2017 | Comentários: 3

new ethernet over usb functionality for data loggers

If you have read recent revision history for the Device Configuration Utility (also known as DevConfig), you may have run across the following note: “New USB drivers (RNDIS) were added for [supported] datalogger.” What's that all about? you may have wondered. Sounds boring, eh? We think it... Leia mais

Changes to Microsoft Windows Operating System Support in Campbell Scientific Software

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 07/19/2017 | Comentários: 0

changes to microsoft windows operating system support in campbell scientific software

In an April 2016 blog article (“Handling New Device Drivers in a Changing Windows World”), I wrote that Campbell Scientific was ending Windows XP support for our hardware device drivers. In that article, I also mentioned that Windows XP support might end for other products... Leia mais

A Solution for IP Communication Problems: Konect PakBus Router

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 04/05/2017 | Comentários: 0

a solution for ip communication problems: konect pakbus router

IP communication has significantly changed the way many of us access our data loggers. It is reliable, fast, and readily available—anywhere you have access to "the Internet," you have the ability to use this protocol to communicate with your data logger. Sometimes, however, network access to... Leia mais

Sending Email from Your Data Logger Just Got Easier!

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 01/25/2017 | Comentários: 19

sending email from your data logger just got easier!

Have you had problems finding an SMTP server to use to send emails from your data logger? Are compatibility issues causing you to look for a work-around? Keep reading for a solution that may be just what you need. Some Background In 2006, we added the ability... Leia mais

Available Security Measures for Internet-Connected Data Loggers

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 12/07/2016 | Comentários: 2

available security measures for internet-connected data loggers

The Internet of Things offers a lot of advantages in today’s culture. There are consumer devices that let you monitor and control mood lighting and music in your home, keep track of last week’s leftover dinner in your refrigerator, and help you brew a cup... Leia mais

The Internet of Things (IoT) – Doing Our “Thing” Since Y2K

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 09/28/2016 | Comentários: 2

the internet of things (iot) – doing our “thing” since y2k

We all remember the year 2000 as the year that The World As We Know It would come to an end. Computer systems were predicted to come crashing down on January 1, leaving in their wake failing infrastructure that would affect millions of lives. In... Leia mais

LoggerNet Admin at Your Service for Mission-Critical Applications

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 08/05/2016 | Comentários: 2

loggernet admin at your service for mission-critical applications

While many of our customers are knowledgeable about our LoggerNet datalogger support software, not as many are familiar with LoggerNet Admin and the benefits it can offer. In this article, I’ll introduce you to LoggerNet Admin, show you how easy it is to install it as... Leia mais

Handling New Device Drivers in a Changing Windows World

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 04/27/2016 | Comentários: 0

handling new device drivers in a changing windows world

We've all been there. You open the box for some new toy such as a camera, printer, or even a data logger, and before you can get started, you are required to install a device driver. The device driver loads files onto your computer so... Leia mais

How to Navigate the World of Software Upgrades, Patches, and Trials

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 04/13/2016 | Comentários: 0

how to navigate the world of software upgrades, patches, and trials

You may find it a little confusing to differentiate between software upgrades and patches. For example, when do you need which one? When is there a fee for a software release, and when is a release free of charge? With the recent release of the new... Leia mais

Mobile App Joins the LoggerNet Family

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 02/03/2016 | Comentários: 2

mobile app joins the loggernet family

We’ve recently had an exciting new addition to our family of LoggerNet datalogger support software. In this brief article, I’ll introduce you to this mobile app and tell you how you can get it free of charge. You are probably familiar with LoggerNet, our PC-based software... Leia mais

A Data Logger Connection Culprit with Benefits

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 11/18/2015 | Comentários: 0

a data logger connection culprit with benefits

When you have work to do, there’s nothing more frustrating than being unable to connect to your data logger in the field. We’ve all been there: You’re in LoggerNet’s Connect window pressing the Connect button, and you’re met with nothing but the endless flashing “connecting... Leia mais

Simplify Your LoggerNet Network Setup Using LoggerNet Defaults

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 08/19/2015 | Comentários: 0

simplify your loggernet network setup using loggernet defaults

Configuring a network of data loggers for communication and data collection in LoggerNet's Setup window can seem like an arduous and tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s true that you need to complete this task before you can use LoggerNet to connect... Leia mais

Make Your LoggerNet Data Collection More Flexible

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 06/03/2015 | Comentários: 0

make your loggernet data collection more flexible

If you are a user of our LoggerNet software, you know that the software can be configured to collect data from your data logger on a regular interval. From a data logger's Schedule tab in the Setup Screen, you can configure an interval of anywhere... Leia mais

How Safe Is Your LoggerNet Data?

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 05/29/2015 | Comentários: 0

how safe is your loggernet data?

When you live in a cold-weather climate like we do here in northern Utah, it’s a welcome reprieve to spend a few days away enjoying someplace sunny and warm. A couple of days ago, as I was uploading photos of sunshine and blue skies from... Leia mais