Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 articles
Autor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 02/18/2025 | Comentários: 1
Just how many AM16/32B multiplexers can you really add to your CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform? At what point do you hit the limit? What is truly safe? As an Application Engineer in Campbell Scientific’s Infrastructure Group, I get a lot of customer questions about squeezing the... Leia maisAutor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 12/17/2024 | Comentários: 0
Music has always been a part of my life—ten years of piano, six of oboe, and countless performances in bands and symphonies. So, when I joined Campbell Scientific and learned about vibrating wire sensors, my brain got excited for the musical potential. The result? Crackmeters... Leia maisAutor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 11/05/2024 | Comentários: 3
How much is too much? Did you know that stress and strain can negatively impact your infrastructure? In this blog article, I’ll share a brief explanation of what you should know to protect the health of your critical structures. Infrastructure across the US and around the... Leia maisAutor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 10/21/2024 | Comentários: 0
In today’s world of industrial automation, the ability to remotely monitor and control operations is more critical than ever. Imagine managing a water treatment plant, an electrical grid, or an environmental monitoring system from miles away—all without missing a beat to ensure smooth, efficient operations.... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 09/03/2024 | Comentários: 1
As we approach the three-decade mark for some of our long-term data-acquisition projects, the question arises: “What does it take to ensure these systems continue to thrive far into the future?” How do you protect your investment and reap the most financial return? The Importance of... Leia maisAutor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 08/20/2024 | Comentários: 1
What’s inside your data-acquisition system enclosure? If you look inside, will you find a CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform that can unlock flexibility with unmatched reliability for your field research and data collection needs? For these reasons, the CR6 is an ideal choice for researchers and... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 07/02/2024 | Comentários: 0
Think of yourself as a chef in a high-end restaurant, crafting a delicate soufflé. Just as precise temperature control in your oven is crucial to achieving the perfect rise and texture, accurate temperature measurement is vital in scientific and industrial applications. But what if your... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 06/18/2024 | Comentários: 0
Imagine upgrading your car with the latest technology—all without needing to purchase a brand-new vehicle! At Campbell Scientific, we’re doing just that for data acquisition. Our innovative controller area network peripheral interface (CPI) protocol is like a high-tech upgrade for your automated monitoring platform, enhancing... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 06/04/2024 | Comentários: 0
In today's fast-paced world, accurate and rapid data acquisition is crucial. You can meet this critical need by capturing your data at unprecedented speeds of up to 200 times per second. I’ll explain how in this blog article. Pioneering Data Acquisition I’m excited to say that,... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 05/07/2024 | Comentários: 0
Who doesn’t want an infrastructure solution that has a low cost of ownership through flexibility and expandability? This aspect is crucial in every decision we make, as it directly impacts the value we bring to our customers. At Campbell Scientific, our guiding principles revolve around putting... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 04/23/2024 | Comentários: 0
Have you read the South Dakota: Rock Stability in Large Underground Excavation case study? It’s a short and interesting read, so check it out if you haven’t already. In this blog article, we’ll take a deeper look at Campbell Scientific’s role in a large-cavern, hard-rock... Leia maisAutor: Eric Schmidt | Ultima atualização: 03/05/2024 | Comentários: 0
Did you read our Southwest: Solving the Mystery of Erroneous Dam Monitoring Data case study? Want to get some more details? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at that case study. If you haven’t read the case study yet, please do... Leia maisAutor: Michael Adams | Ultima atualização: 01/08/2024 | Comentários: 0
If you’re not using a CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform for your geotechnical application, you may be missing out on some key benefits that could help ensure the success of your instrumentation and monitoring network. Based on my 30 years of experience with data-acquisition systems, I’ll... Leia maisAutor: Nathanael Wright | Ultima atualização: 10/17/2023 | Comentários: 0
Typically, when you use long cable lengths for your vibrating wire measurements, you experience a weaker signal with a greater chance of interference. So, how do you overcome this challenge and improve your measurement quality? Keep reading to find out. At Campbell Scientific, our vibrating wire... Leia maisAutor: Jacqalyn Maughan | Ultima atualização: 08/29/2023 | Comentários: 0
You may not realize just how helpful our handheld instrumentation can be—especially when it makes it easy for you to test your vibrating wire sensors, saving you time and money if a failed sensor is identified prior to installation. Let’s dive deeper into the five... Leia maisAutor: Jacqalyn Maughan | Ultima atualização: 08/22/2023 | Comentários: 3
Understanding the benefits of VSPECT® will help ensure you are maximizing your benefits when using this technology. In this article, we’ll explore this topic to provide you with a better measurement experience. Why do Campbell Scientific monitoring platforms give me extra vibrating wire data? Have you ever... Leia maisAutor: Jacqalyn Maughan | Ultima atualização: 04/06/2023 | Comentários: 0
Have you ever thought your bad vibrating wire sensor measurements were caused by erratic or erroneous data? You may be surprised to learn that data issues may not be the cause. If you are using a data-acquisition system other than one of the Campbell Scientific... Leia maisAutor: Nathanael Wright | Ultima atualização: 03/28/2023 | Comentários: 0
Campbell Scientific vibrating wire measurement hardware, with our patented VSPECT® technology, offers a distinct advantage over all other vibrating wire measurement systems. Unlike non-Campbell Scientific vibrating wire interfaces that use pulse counting to derive vibrating wire frequency, Campbell Scientific's VSPECT vibrating wire measurement products use spectral... Leia maisAutor: Timothy Jeppsen | Ultima atualização: 10/07/2020 | Comentários: 0
In 1997, I had my first introduction to using vibrating wire piezometers to measure groundwater fluctuations. A large engineering firm was monitoring water level to ensure that construction of a large pipeline through the San Bernardino Mountains was not intruding on the groundwater. I was... Leia maisAutor: John Markham | Ultima atualização: 08/13/2019 | Comentários: 0
Although there have been vast improvements in our ability to gather and use road-weather data, there are still, unfortunately, significant information gaps we must fill. In this blog article, we’ll look at the issues that hinder our current data acquisition and a solution for obtaining... Leia mais