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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 articles tagged with: Solar Radiation

The Importance of Distributed Meteorological Data for Solar Farms

Autor: Libbie Anderson | Ultima atualização: 05/01/2020 | Comentários: 0

the importance of distributed meteorological data for solar farms

On every utility-scale solar farm, it’s crucial to answer the fundamental question: how much solar radiation reaches the surface of the photovoltaic (PV) modules? These farms span hundreds of acres and in order to address this question, owners use meteorological monitoring stations and data loggers... Leia mais

New Product Support: Bifacial Plane of Array (BPOA), solar energy’s newest irradiance expression

Autor: Matt Perry | Ultima atualização: 12/12/2018 | Comentários: 1

new product support: bifacial plane of array (bpoa), solar energy’s newest irradiance expression

Plane of array irradiance (POA) is a well-known term used to quantify the incident irradiance on a given solar array. It is the parameter most directly related to the power output of a PV module and is used extensively in PV performance analysis and modeling... Leia mais

New Product Support: Kipp & Zonen’s RaZON+

Autor: Matt Perry | Ultima atualização: 01/17/2018 | Comentários: 0

new product support: kipp & zonen’s razon+

During 2017, I was asked several times for a data logger program to retrieve data from Kipp & Zonen’s new RaZON+, a compact-sized dual-axis sun tracker with integrated GPS, smart pyrheliometer, and shaded smart pyranometer. The RaZON+ touts a higher accuracy approach to obtaining solar... Leia mais

Measuring the Sun More Accurately and Simply

Autor: Chod Stephens | Ultima atualização: 09/13/2017 | Comentários: 4

measuring the sun more accurately and simply

To help environmental researchers who measure solar radiation improve their measurements and simplify their lives, Campbell Scientific and Apogee Instruments teamed up to develop a new sensor. This new sensor combines features from higher-end blackbody thermopile pyranometers and lower-end silicon photocell pyranometers. The CS320 Digital Thermopile... Leia mais

Pyranometers: What You Need to Know

Autor: Alan Hinckley | Ultima atualização: 06/14/2017 | Comentários: 13

pyranometers: what you need to know

If you are considering using pyranometers in your measurement application, there are many things you should know about them and how they work. Having this information in hand will help ensure you select the type of pyranometer most suitable for the data you need for... Leia mais

Evapotranspiration: What It Is and How It Is Helpful

Autor: Bruce Smith | Ultima atualização: 06/08/2017 | Comentários: 3

evapotranspiration: what it is and how it is helpful

Have you ever heard someone mention "ET" and wondered what it meant? Assuming the person wasn’t talking about extra-terrestrials or Entertainment Tonight, the conversation was probably about evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration (or "ET") is the water lost through plant transpiration and soil and plant evaporation. The images... Leia mais

Minimize Losses from Frost Using Direct Measurements

Autor: Dirk Baker | Ultima atualização: 02/08/2017 | Comentários: 0

minimize losses from frost using direct measurements

Are you concerned about frost damage to your crops? There are a number of high-value crops that are critically vulnerable to frost damage. Especially on buds, flowers, and early fruit, frost can cost growers thousands of dollars per acre. For a long time, many growers have monitored... Leia mais

8 ET Station Components that Need Regular Maintenance

Autor: Bruce Smith | Ultima atualização: 09/23/2015 | Comentários: 0

8 et station components that need regular maintenance

Like most machines, automated weather stations require regular maintenance to provide you with better performance and longer life expectancy. A weather station designed to calculate evapotranspiration (ET) for commercial agriculture and irrigation scheduling has a number of components that require maintenance and calibration. Based on... Leia mais

How to Check the Accuracy of Your Solar Radiation Measurements

Autor: Bruce Smith | Ultima atualização: 05/29/2015 | Comentários: 0

how to check the accuracy of your solar radiation measurements

Solar radiation is an important measurement for many researchers and those who are monitoring their evapotranspiration values for irrigation purposes. If you have been wondering how accurate your solar radiation measurement is, Apogee Instruments (an associated company of Campbell Scientific) has a Clear Sky Calculator mobile... Leia mais