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Utilities Downloads

TGA Windows 2.2 (5.81 MB) 02-02-2018

TGA Windows software for use with the TGA100A / 200 system. aprender mais

CSAT3 (567 KB) 24-03-1998

PC support software for monitoring and configuring the CSAT3. aprender mais

CSAT3 Binary to ASCII (33 KB) 15-02-2013

Program that converts a CSAT3 binary data set into ASCII format. Only compatible with data collected using the... aprender mais

Program that converts a CSAT3 binary data set into ASCII format. Only compatible with data collected using the... aprender mais

Example Visual Basic program for collecting binary CSAT3 data using a PC and RS-232 communications. aprender mais

DVW Tool Box 1.3 (13.4 MB) 04-11-2019

DVW Tool Box is an application-specific software tool for demonstration and evaluation of the CDM-VW300, CDM-VW305 and VWire... aprender mais

EasyFlux PC 1.0 (55.8 MB) 04-10-2017

EasyFlux® PC is a computer program that processes high frequency time series data, collected using a Campbell Scientific... aprender mais

ECMon 1.6 (10.7 MB) 29-03-2016

EC100-Series Support Software. aprender mais

HydroSci 1.2.1 (41.7 MB) 09-10-2017

HydroSci is used to configure and extract data from the CRS45X Recording Submersible Pressure Transducer and the OBS-3A... aprender mais

HydroSoft 1.0.8 (5.16 MB) 26-07-2012

Current version of the HydroSense II Support Software. aprender mais

Spreadsheet for calculating epoxy fill needed for road sensor installation aprender mais

LoggerTalk 2.0 (1.2 MB) 12-05-2006

Voice modem (COM310, COM300 and VS1) voice string editor used with the following dataloggers: CR10(X), CR510 and CR23X. aprender mais

OBS-5+ Utility 5.50 (11.3 MB) 23-04-2010

Utility for the OBS-5+ sensor. aprender mais

PC295 (1.91 MB) 16-12-2010

CD295 program generator. aprender mais

PC-TDR 3.0 (7.34 MB) 15-12-2016

Support software designed for the TDR200 and is also compatible with the retired TDR100 Time-Domain Reflectometer. aprender mais

Power Budget Spreadsheet 1.03 (1.00 MB) 12-03-2019

This is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used to estimate a power budget for Campbell Scientific systems. Power Budget Spreadsheet... aprender mais

Designed to complement the PWS100 the Present Weather Viewer provides a simple yet comprehensive interface showcasing many of... aprender mais

Sat Commander 11.3.8 (3.78 MB) 08-03-2011

TX312 Support Software. aprender mais

SAT HDR GOES 3.2.4 (505 KB) 01-02-2005

HDR GOES Support software and Operating System. SAT HDR GOES update for 2004 leap year and reset issues.... aprender mais

SDM-CAN Helper 1.1 (59.5 MB) 29-09-2016

Add-on package for RTDAQ. Assists users of the SDM-CAN device.See the SDM-CAN Helper Overview for more information about this... aprender mais

SMS 4.10 (6.73 MB) 06-08-2007

SMS (Storage Module Software) is a utility used to configure and retrieve data from Campbell Scientific storage modules. ... aprender mais

TGA100A 1.20 (2.33 MB) 19-10-2007

TGA100A user interface software. aprender mais

Wireless Sensor Planner 1.7 (30.5 MB) 08-08-2013

The Wireless Sensor Planner is a tool for use with Campbell Scientific wireless sensors.  It assists in designing... aprender mais

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus... aprender mais