EasyFlux DL for CR1000XOP 2.01
Atualizada: 21-07-2022
Removed the EE181 and HC2S3.
Added the HFP calibration validity test to our flux programs. The same validity test that we have adopted to the updated HFP manual section 6.5.1
Added a CSAT3AH option where CSAT3AH is a heated sonic anemometer.
Added a HydroVUE10 option.
The air density, dry air density, and H2O density that are calculated using the measurements of air temperature and relative humidity from HMP155A/HydroVUE10 and the atmospheric pressure from OPEC system (P) are used for the computations of WPL correction, sensible heat flux, and momentum flux. However, if HMP155A/HydroVUE10 is not available or output NaN (Not a Number), these calculated from sonic temperature, IRGA H2O density, and P are used for the computations.
Added a VOLT116 option.
Added a CS320 option.
Added a SN500SS option.
Added the heating function for all net radiometers (CRN4, NR01, and SN500) and ventilation for CNR4.
Battery voltage threshold below 11.5 V is used turn off net radiometer heating and ventilation.
Replaced the auto range option in CDM-A116/VOLT116 voltage measurement instruction with a fixed range. This replacement avoids the skipped scan when system runs at 20 Hz.
Revised diagnosis table to better display diagnostic codes.
Added a table for system operation note. This note records all OPEC operations such as zero CO2/H2O, span CO2/H2O, reset CO2/H2O zero/span coefficients, switch pressure transducer, select fast- or slow-temperature CO2, change shadow correction, power off/on an infrared analyzer, and others.
Added a table for EC100 configuration notes.
Added verification for H2O/CO2 zero and span coefficients during zero and span procedures or in reset process.
Revised the way to reset H2O/CO2 zero and span coefficients of infrared analyzers through CR1000KD or public table. Now, the coefficients can be reset individually. In this version, the coefficient input and reset are verified and noted.
Added the auto off/on an infrared analyzer according to the voltage of power source (The threshold is 10.5 V and the dead-band width is 1.5 V).