PC400 4.0
Atualizada: 24-09-2009

  1. Known Issues - The use of TAPI modems may result in blue screens of death. The user is encouraged to use conventional modems instead of TAPI modems.
  2. Known Issues - In View, the FSL file must match the *.dat file or an access violation may result.
  3. Known Issues - Instabilities in the drivers for USB to RS-232 adapters and in the adapter cables have been noted. If problems are encountered, updated drivers should be installed and/or the adapter cable should be swapped out.
  4. Main PC400 Interface Enhancement - New look and feel.
  5. Main PC400 Interface Enhancement - Can launch DevConfig from the PC400 Toolbar.
  6. Main PC400 Interface Enhancement - A connection made from the Clock/Program tab is now subject to the Maximum Time On-Line configured in the EZ Setup Wizard.
  7. Main PC400 Interface Bug Fix - Fixed hot keys to work regardless of where the focus is.
  8. Main PC400 Interface Bug Fix - Fixed problem with missing DEF files when PC9000 is already on a machine and then PC400 is installed.
  9. Main PC400 Interface Bug Fix - Fixed a problem with there being only 5 dataloggers available when PC400 and Short Cut standalone are both installed.
  10. Main PC400 Interface Bug Fix - Changed "Status Table" menu item to "Station Status" for consistency with other products.
  11. Main PC400 Interface Bug Fix - Fixed an error when deleting multiple program files using File Control.
  12. EZSetup Wizard Enhancement - Ability to rename a station.
  13. EZSetup Wizard Bug Fix - COM Port field does not allow invalid characters including the semi-colon. This was causing PC400 to lockup.
  14. Short Cut Enhancement - Added support for the CR9000X, the ET107, and the AVW200.
  15. Short Cut Enhancement - Added "Advanced" tab which shows program and launches CRBasic Editor.
  16. Short Cut Enhancement - Added "Send Program" to "Results" tab.
  17. Short Cut Enhancement - Added user defined "Custom Sensor Files".
  18. Short Cut Enhancement - Added the ability to manually set advanced outputs to high or low resolution.
  19. Short Cut Enhancement - Added new sensor files for the CMP3 Pyranometer, the IRR-P Precision Infrared Temperature Sensor, the JC Ultrasonic Depth Sensor, the CNR2 Net Radiometer, the CS106 Barometric Pressure Sensor, the OBS-3+ Turbidity Sensor, the 03002 Wind Speed and Direction Sensor, the 105E (chromel-constantan) Thermocouple, the WindSonic1 (RS-232) Two-Dimensional Ultrasonic Wind Sensor, the WindSonic4 (SDI-12) Two-Dimensional Ultrasonic Wind Sensor, the HMP155 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor, the SR50A Sonic Ranging Sensor (SDI-12 Output), the CS450/455 Pressure Transducer, a Vibrating Wire Sensor (for generic vibrating wire sensors and the AVW200), and a saturation vapor pressure calculation
  20. Short Cut Bug Fix - The CR9000 pre-compiler was left out of the 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 releases. The result was an error message (pre-compiler not found) when trying to "Finish" a CR9000X program. The CR9000X program was being saved. It just wasn’t error checked.
  21. Short Cut Bug Fix - In 2.6.0 when attempting to add 4-wire 107 Temperature Probes to an AM16/32, only zero was available for repetitions thus a user could never accomplish this configuration. Not an issue in 2.5.4 and fixed in 2.6.1
  22. Short Cut Bug Fix - Fixed various issues with drag-and-drop of outputs in the "Selected Outputs" grid of the "Outputs" screen.
  23. Short Cut Bug Fix - Fixed issues with Windows "Regional and Language Options" being set to a region that uses decimal commas instead of decimal points.
  24. Short Cut Bug Fix - Fixed some issues in the "Advanced Outputs" screen UI and resulting code.
  25. Short Cut Bug Fix - Fixed "RichEdit line insertion error" message issue on Windows computers whose "Regional and Language Options" were set to Chinese.
  26. Short Cut Bug Fix - Fixed major formatting issues on the "Summary" tab after "Finish"ing a CRBasic datalogger program.
  27. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Save and Encrypt.
  28. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Local Variables For Function. The F9 and F10 variable list popup menus will include the local variables for a specific subroutine or function if the cursor is in that subroutine or function.
  29. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Insert User-Defined Function Name (F11).
  30. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - GoTo User-Defined Functions and Subroutines (Blue Arrow on Button Bar).
  31. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Added CTRL+Y Shortcut Key To Delete Line.
  32. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Added several options to the Editor Preferences dialog box: Variable Name Matching, Create .TDF File at Compile, Clear Undo/Redo List on File Save, Syntax Highlighting for Variables and Local Variables.
  33. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Drag And Drop Files Onto the CRBasic Editor Workspace To Open The File.
  34. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Select Multiple Files For Opening In The CRBasic Editor.
  35. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Support For Custom Voice Files For The VoiceSpeak Instruction.
  36. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Alternate language support.
  37. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Fixed problems in the search and replace algorithm.
  38. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Creating a compressed file will not strip the spaces between the instruction and a comment.
  39. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Can now compile a CR200 program before it is saved.
  40. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Start bookmark #'s with 1 rather than 0.
  41. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Inserting File into Compressed File no longer causes error.
  42. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Fixed Out of memory error if you do consecutive CTRL+Is.
  43. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Wrong Pick lists were displayed w/two files opened.
  44. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Now recognizes sub & function variables.
  45. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Right clicking function in if statement was not opening the function dialog.
  46. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Fixed a problem with using Save and Send option to send a program to a CR200 Series datalogger.
  47. Edlog Bug Fix - A warning shows if there is a p3 in both table 1 and table 2..
  48. Edlog Bug Fix - If you search for a string that does not exist, acknowledge the info box that says as much, and then search for a new string that does exist, when it is found you cannot use your cursor keys to move off of the highlighted string.
  49. RTMC Enhancement - Added many new functions for expressions including string functions, time functions, start option functions, and functions with state.
  50. RTMC Enhancement - Added ability to declare aliases for data values used in expressions.
  51. RTMC Enhancement - New layout toolbar
  52. RTMC Enhancement - New Edit - Preferences menu item that allows you to set graphics options and the visual theme. (Available in both Development and Run-Time.)
  53. RTMC Enhancement - Net Edit - Customize menu item that allows you to customize RTMC's toolbars and menus. (Available in both Development and Run-Time.)
  54. RTMC Enhancement - Added panning functionality to charts in RTMC Run-Time.
  55. RTMC Enhancement - Added ability to acknowledge all alarms on a screen by right clicking.
  56. RTMC Enhancement - Added a transparent option and a pointer width option to the gauge.
  57. RTMC Bug Fix - Fixed table component keyboard navigation.
  58. RTMC Bug Fix - Can't Acknowledge Audible Alarm - Multi-State.
  59. RTMC Bug Fix - Pointer behind labels on gauges.
  60. RTMC Bug Fix - Fixed a problem where you could rename a screen to a name that already existed.
  61. RTMC Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where renaming a screen was causing RTMC to crash.
  62. RTMC Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where changing the screen order was causing RTMC to crash.
  63. RTMC Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where pasting in a file (jpg, exe, etc.) was causing RTMC to crash.
  64. RTMC Bug Fix - The Set Point and Digital were displaying "0.0" for a blank string variable. It is not blank by default.
  65. View - Maintains ease of use of former data file viewer.
  66. View - Large file processing with responsive loading and scrolling of files.
  67. View - Number of traces per graph is not limited.
  68. View - Graph type supported: Line Graph.
  69. View - Supports graphing by record number for files containing gaps in the timestamp data.
  70. View - Vertical Graph Cursor.
  71. View - Zoom capability on graphs.
  72. View - Scrolling supported from the data window and from the graphs.
  73. View - Print preview and print for graph.
  74. View - Save graph to file as BMP, JPEG, WMF, EMF, or PCX.
  75. View - Directly opens binary files (TOB1, TOB2, TOB3).
  76. View - Supports files without record numbers.
  77. View - Specify graph width by time or by number of records.
  78. Split Enhancement - Added time offset.
  79. Split Enhancement - Added log files.
  80. CardConvert Enhancement - CSIXML file support.
  81. CardConvert Enhancement - More flexible on append, i.e. allows environment data to have changed.
  82. CardConvert Bug Fix - Fixed problems with base file names when appending and using date-time filenames.
  83. CardConvert Bug Fix - Added constraints so sliders cannot set window sizes to 0.
  84. CardConvert Bug Fix - A TOB1 file, which contains no record number or timestamp, resulted in an Exception error when CardConvert tried to convert it.
  85. CardConvert Bug Fix - If you were appending to an existing data file and baling, baling worked unless there was missing data such that the first record to append should be in a new bale rather than the in the same bale as the last record from the previous run.
  86. CardConvert Bug Fix - Open a bad DAT file in CardConvert, do a basic conversion to TOA5, and when you pressed the Convert button, then CardConvert would stop running and disappear.
  87. PakBus Graph Bug Fix - Fixed problem where the PB Graph went blank and did not refresh after second datalogger is deleted.
  88. LogTool Enhancement - Added ability to zip log files.
  89. LogTool Enhancement - Added ability to delete all log files.
  90. Server Enhancement - Implemented the LgrNet zip logs transaction that was added to version of the cora server interface.
  91. Server Bug Fix - Fixed an issue with creating data files larger than 2 gigabytes.
  92. Server Bug Fix - When program table defs changed, the backup file is created by a "rename" rather than a "copy".
  93. Server Bug Fix - In the RF95T base the low level poll setting values were not read from the server configuration file when the server was started. The result was that the low level poll interval was always reset to its default value.
  94. Server Bug Fix - The time-out for the BMP1 data advise operation was being set to a value that was far too long by orders of magnitude.
  95. Server Bug Fix - If a BMP1 station received a data collect response after collection was aborted, the server could crash.
  96. Server Bug Fix - Added code to evaluate the an RF95T base's network description on successful completion so that, if the network was changed while the description was being sent, a new operation will be posted.
  97. Server Bug Fix - Added code to the classic datalogger synchronization sequence so that, if the datalogger is on an RF95 link, two carriage returns will be transmitted back-to-back rather than just one followed by retries spaced by the link response time.
  98. Server Bug Fix - Added code to prevent the file control operation from getting table definitions from the logger when the program is stopped in order to send an operating system via BMP5.
  99. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug involving RF95 links with repeaters where, if a lot of the dataloggers in the RF network had requests pending at the same time and the server was unable to communicate with the RF base, only a portion of the pending requests would fail as a result of the failure on the base.
  100. Server Bug Fix - Added time for file send and file control transactions so that the datalogger has time to finish rebooting before PC400 tries to communicate.
  101. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug in the LgrNet List Comm Ports transaction where, on certain host computer configurations, the underlying call to EnumPorts() could fail and lead the server to attempt to allocate too much memory.
  102. Server Bug Fix - Added code that will prevent the cache manager thread from "bailing" its command queue while the LgrNet create backup file transaction is active.
  103. Server Bug Fix - When a data file reaches 2 gigabytes it appears that a seek fails and the new data is written to the start of the file.
  104. Server Bug Fix - TAPI connect results in blue screen w/some modems. (Note that problem is not completely fixed.)
  105. Server Bug Fix - Fixed an issue which created a "stuttering" effect that can occur on a link with a lot of latency where the responses from previous communication attempts get processed before the expected response is received.
  106. Server Bug Fix - Added code to removed an "orphaned" active brokers when the server is restored from an XML structure (the new server config file).
  107. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug associated with serial port support (likely TAPI as well) that could lead to a lock-up in the overlapped I/O version of execute() if ReadFile() returned ERROR_IO_PENDING. The old code attempted to get the overlapped result if the return code was not equal to ERROR_IO_PENDING. It should have been doing this if the last error equal to ERROR_IO_PENDING. With some drivers (FTDI), this would lead to the call to GetOverlappedResult() not returning which could eventually lead to a server lock up if the main thread was waiting for the serial port thread to end.
  108. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug on in the code that processes table definitions from BMP3 loggers (CR5000 and CR9000) where the program_running flag was not set appropriately when a table other than the status table was encountered. As a result, in a merge update, "old" tables were not deleted because the program_running flag was not set.
  109. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug in the code that processes table definitions from a BMP3 logger where the program information setting would not get set to indicate that there was no program running when table definitions were refreshed without the reset option. This could lead pc400 and pc200 to attempt to keep polling the datalogger.
  110. Server Bug Fix - Added code to recognize when a BMP5 datalogger program has been paused as opposed to being stopped (the datalogger will return a value of 3 rather than 1 or 2). When the logger is in this state and table definitions are refreshed, any old collect areas that are no longer present will now be erased.
  111. PC400 Install Enhancement - Default "Campbell Scientific" directory in the Windows Start Menu.
  112. PC400 Install Enhancement - Shortcut to the PC400 Manual in the Windows Start Menu "Campbell ScientificPC400PC400 Manual".
  113. PC400 Install Enhancement - Supports the common application model.