14205 900 MHz 6 dBd Yagi Antenna with Mounting Hardware

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The 14205 is a high-gain (6 dBd), directional (Yagi) antenna. It is useful for making RF links over longer distances in one direction. The 14205 requires an antenna cable to connect it to the spread-spectrum transceiver. (See the Compatibility information for cable options.)

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Descrição Técnica

Note: Because the FCC limits the EIRP of 900 MHz spread-spectrum radios to 36 dBm, using this antenna with an RF450- or RF451-based system may require the user to reduce the radio's transmit power to a setting of 9 or less.


Antenna Larsen YA6900W
Frequency 890 to 960 MHz
Gain 6 dBd
Antenna Type Yagi, 4 element
Connector Type N female
Horizontal Beam Width 86° (-3 dB)
Vertical Beam Width 58° (-3 dB)
Material Aluminum, fully welded, powder coated, black
Mount Zinc-plated
Mounting Mounts to a pole with diameter up to 7.6 cm (3 in.).
Dimensions 44.45 x 18.54 x 2.67 cm (17.5 x 7.3 x 1.05 in.)


Please note: The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible products.

Data Loggers

Product Compatible Note
CR205 (retired)
CR206 (retired)
CR206X (retired)
CR210 (retired)
CR211 (retired)
CR211X (retired)
CR6 Compatible with the -RF451, -RF407, and -RF412 options.
CRVW3 Compatible with the -RF451, -RF407, and -RF412 options.

Measurement and Control

Product Compatible Note
AVW211 (retired)

Communication Devices

Product Compatible Note
FGR-115RC (retired)
FGR-115RE (retired)
RF400 (retired)
RF401 (retired)
RF410 (retired)
RF411 (retired)
RF430 (retired)
RF431 (retired)
RF450 (retired)
RF451 (retired)

Additional Compatibility Information

Spread-Spectrum Transceivers

Note: Because the FCC limits the EIRP of 900 MHz spread-spectrum radios to 36 dBm, using this antenna with an RF450- or RF451-based system may require the user to reduce the radio's transmit power to a setting of 9 or less.

Antenna Cables

The following cables can be used:

  • COAXNTN-L—connects the antenna to the radio, data logger, or interface via a surge protector.
  • COAXRPSMA-L—connects the antenna to spread-spectrum radios other than the RF450 when surge protection is not required.
  • COAXSMA-L—connects the antenna to an RF450 when surge protection is not required.

Mounting Hardware

The antenna includes zinc-plated mounting hardware that accommodates a pipe of up to 7.62 cm (3.0 in.) outer diameter.