CC5MPX OS 1.23
Atualizada: 19-09-2014

  1. Added new options for the time stamp format in banner.
  2. Added memory used and allocation information to SD memory card page.
  3. The JPEG header information now includes the camera's internal temperature value.
  4. Enabled light control functionality for external trigger events.
  5. Reduced the on time of the light control under certain conditions to further reduce power consumption from the light.
  6. Limited FTP data connection ports to 1024 – 1029
  7. Added to the Log events when a factory reset is requested.
  8. Fixed a problem with entering a low power mode when the external trigger is configured as Active Low.
  9. Made fixes to the camera operation when the camera power mode is configured to Partially On and the Ethernet Power Mode is Fully On.
  10. Fixed the black line that appeared on top of 5MP picturbr.
  11. Allow the "@" symbol to be used in an FTP username.
  12. Made provision for the new microcontroller firmware update.